C.T. Salazar

twitter: @CTsalazar_

C.T. Salazar is a Latinx poet and children’s librarian from Mississippi. His micro-chapbook This Might Have Meant Fire is available for pre-order from Bull City Press. He’s the editor-in-chief of Dirty Paws Poetry Review. His most recent publications include Beloit Poetry Journal, The Cincinnati Review, RHINO, Grist, 32 Poems, and Ruminate.

His poetry focuses on the intersecting landscapes of his Southern and Latinx heritages, and the survival and destruction of both. He loves poems that explore vulnerability and criticize the shortcomings of masculinity. He loves his work as a children’s librarian, where he encourages literacy and silliness.

His favorite writers are Eduardo C. Corral, Mary Oliver, Tomas Transtömer, and Toni Morrison.

He’s currently reading The Carrying by Ada Limón, Conflict Resolution For Holy Beings by Joy Harjo, The Cartography of Sleep by Laura Villarreal, and The Poems of St. John of the Cross.

Link to pre-order This Might Have Meant Fire 

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