Aram Mrjoian

twitter: @amrjoian575

Aram Mrjoian is a writer, editor, instructor, and PhD student at Florida State University. His fiction and nonfiction often focus on the complications of Armenian diasporic ethnic identity, climate change, the Midwest, and contemporary literature. He is passionate about interviewing emerging writers and reviewing their work, especially short story collections. He is an infrequent distance runner and steadfast pizza enthusiast.  

Aram serves in several editorial roles at literary publications. He is an editor-at-large at the Chicago Review of Books, an interviews editor at the Southeast Review, and the assistant managing editor at TriQuarterly, where he has strived to make the journal’s submission practices more personal and efficient. He began as a reader for TriQuarterly in 2016 while working toward his MFA in creative writing at Northwestern University.

Aram’s writing and interviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast online, The Rumpus, Booth, The Millions, Kenyon Review online, Longreads, Joyland, Colorado Review, Entropy, and many other publications.

For review, Aram is currently reading Samanta Schweblin’s collection of short stories, Mouthful of Birds. His current writing projects include a novel, a collection of short stories, and a collection of essays.
