excuse to drink coffee


Clouds gray

moving east

almost saturated.

A few drops

touch head


page of book

flip book closed

look into gray clouds

waiting for another

Grab a cup

hour old coffee

still hot.

Go inside

with dim lights

classical music

and a worn chair

to finish reading.

Guess Friday’s almost gone

lost in a book

and several pots of coffee.



getting lost in a mess


Just sat waiting

air still

Facing walls

covered in quiet

dim lamp

enough light

to read with.


circling beyond

cobwebbed windows

dusty from winter.

Glance for shadow

of hawk

passing by

waited to long.

Grunt at mess

that’s grown large

and partly hidden

under through

stacks of tilting books.

Old messages

on answering machine

listen then ignored

later after dinner

or right before bed

they’ll be erased.

Still and quiet


only a few cars

traveling home.



Going through a pot of coffee


Giving a little

for a moment of quiet



by trucks


to quarries

of lime.


Got another piece

searching in litter

of drunk drivers

tossing half eaten

burgers out windows.


Listening to quiet

between vehicles

charging through

American river canyon.


Having a drink

of coffee

looking at steam rise

enjoy bitter taste

and scent from cup

thick with sediment.


that smell 1


Dead mouse

behind bookcase

wish I could forget



that cool spot


Damp sitting in front old fan

feeling a little cooler

not just sweating away.

Gets to point where it’s to hot

and only pleasure

pour water overhead

wetting greasy hair

soaking you from follicles to toes.

It’s only June not looking forward

to July and August

when even the wind blows hot

all you want

is to sit

in front of a fan.





David is a part time programmer and lives in the American River Canyon outside of Auburn Ca. He has done landscaping sign painting cooking and made jewelry to pay the bills. He and his wife live with two bossy cats. He has three adult daughters and seven grandchildren. His hobbies include type design, soapstone carving, walks in the woods, collecting dragons, and a growing library of Science Fiction.




Cover Photo: Sharon Hinhcliff (https://www.flickr.com/photos/delartful/)