Alyssa Jordan

twitter: @ajordan901

Alyssa Jordan is a freelance writer in California. She loves genre-bending work, and characters that do terrible, relatable things. Currently, she is an Associate Editor at the 1888 Center and a Junior Editor/F(r)Online Assistant at Tethered by Letters. In 2017, she helped run the 1888 Center’s Summer Writing Project and edited the winning sci-fi novella, Last One to the Bridge. Her work has appeared in publications like Every Day Fiction, Reflex Fiction, 100 Word Story, and CHEAP POP. Her work can also be found in two print anthologies, Bath Flash Fiction: Volume Two and Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story. This year, she’d like to complete a series of novellas set in the same universe. When not writing, though, she watches too many movies or goes on aimless walks.


Selected Publications:

Dina L. Relles

twitter: @DinaLRelles

Dina L. Relles lives in rural Pennsylvania with her husband and four children. She writes primarily creative nonfiction about lost love, the elusiveness of truth and home, strangers finding common ground, and how we never really leave anything behind. Her work has appeared in The AtlanticAtticus ReviewBrevity’s Blog, Barrelhouse online, CHEAP POPmatchbook literary magazineRiver TeethRise Up Review, and Full Grown People, among others, and her prose piece, “Where We Land,” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Dina is a lapsed lawyer, the Senior Blog Editor for Proximity Magazine’s TRUE, and a prose poetry reader for Pithead Chapel. She adores R.E.M., camping, the color gray, driving along country roads, and is nostalgic to a fault. She is slowly penning her first book—a memoir in micro-prose.


Selected Publications:

Jericho Brown

twitter: @jerichobrown

Jericho Brown is the recipient of a Whiting Writers Award and fellowships from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and the National Endowment for the Arts. His poems have appeared in The New Republic, The New Yorker, and The Best American Poetry. His first book, Please (New Issues 2008), won the American Book Award, and his second book, The New Testament (Copper Canyon 2014, won the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award and was named one of the best books of the year by Library Journal, Coldfront, and the Academy of American Poets. He is an associate professor in English and creative writing at Emory University in Atlanta.


Selected Publications: