Annie Frazier 

twitter: @anniefrazzr 

She’s a writer, editor, and freelance social media manager who lives in Florida but dreams of returning home to North Carolina someday. She’s also a non-professional herder of cats and geriatric horses. She studied Ancient Greek in college and Homer’s manipulation of grammar reignited her fascination with her own language right when her fool self was about to give up on writing. This past June, she completed an MFA from Spalding University’s low res program, where she found her voice and stockpiled writer friends like it was 1997 and they were all Beanie Babies. 

Her fiction and poetry have appeared in North Carolina Literary Review, apt magazineCrack the SpineCHEAP POP, and Still: The Journal, and she has reviewed books for Paste Magazine and NCLR Online. Post-MFA, she’s working on a micro chapbook of poems and finishing her first novel—a Southern female Bildungsroman. In the novel and otherwise, she’s been exploring and wrestling with the complexities of Southernness—what it has meant, what it does mean, what it could mean one day. 

Selected Works: “The Garage,” “Nightmares,” “Slather,” “Serpentine 


Facebook: anniefrazzr 

Instagram: annie.frazier.crandell 

 Clio Velentza 

twitter: @clio_v

She is a winner of Best Small Fictions 2016, and her work can be found in several literary magazines and a couple of anthologies in English and Greek. She enjoys the finer things in life like good books, the smell of trees, 2B pencil leads and striking up conversations with dogs. Often found in and out of the local museums, or daydreaming about all the trips she’d like to take. She loves stories and would really like to read some out loud to you.

Selected Works: “Deep”“Ursa Major”“The Invention of Saints”“The Animals”“The Dukes Dioxide Sunset” 

IG: clio.v 

Blog: legionofwildthoughts 

Rosebud Ben-Oni 

twitter: @RosebudBenOni 

Born to a Mexican mother and Jewish father, she is a recipient of the 2014 NYFA Fellowship in Poetry and a CantoMundo Fellow; her most recent collection of poems, “turn around, BRXGHT XYXS” was selected as Agape Editions’ EDITORS’ CHOICE, and will be published in 2019. She was a Rackham Merit Fellow at the University of Michigan, a Horace Goldsmith Scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a contributor to The Conversant and an Editorial Advisor for VIDA: Women in Literary Arts.  

Her work appears in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, TriQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, Arts & Letters, among others; recently, her poem “Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark” was commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City. She writes weekly for The Kenyon Review blog, and teaches creative writing at UCLA Extension’s Writers’ Program.  

She believes one should feel free to make rules about poetry, but know that poets will go & break them. To be honest, all she wants in people is horses and all she wants in horses in more horses.
She’s still in love with an Icelandic horse she knew less than week. 


Selected Works:  “The Last Great Adventure” and “Dancing with Kiko on the Moon” in TYPO, and her weekly Kenyon essays, “To Mi Ciela, My Lion’s-Laugh Love, My Little Panpipe,” which she wrote as a letter to her niece on what do to when confronted with white supremacy, and “Why the Horse Fights The Metaphor: On Love & Tu B’Av.” a meditation on love, poetry and that Icelandic horse that she knew for less than week, but can’t seem to let go. 

Facebook: newyorkrosebud 

IG: matarose 
