C Pam Zhang

twitter: cpamzhang

C Pam Zhang writes about women: angry, ostracized, searching, strange, and beastly. (She’s not very interested in writing about men.) Born in Beijing and raised mostly in America, she has since lived in 13 cities and is still looking for home. Her debut novel HOW MUCH OF THESE HILLS IS GOLD is a speculative mythology of the American West through the story of two immigrants’ children; it’s forthcoming from Riverhead Books in the US, Virago Press in the UK, and several international publishers. Her short fiction is in or coming to Fairy Tale Review, Kenyon Review, McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, The Missouri Review, and Tin House Open Bar. She’s received scholarships and fellowships from Tin House, Bread Loaf, Aspen Words, the Hambidge Center, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

Some recently-loved works:
Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson
Ponti by Sharlene Teo (coming in 2018)
Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie
Beloved by Toni Morrison
“A Tiny Feast” by Chris Adrian (in the New Yorker)
website: cpamzhang.com
Selected Publications: