Tonight I drink merlot from the depression

glasses Grandma collected from the EM Loew’s Theater.

I wonder what her fave movies were in 1925.

I worked at Showcase Cinemas in 1985

& we didn’t give away anything this timeless.

I still have a Breakfast Club cardboard display

tucked in a corner of my garage. I watched this flick

29 times not counting breaks. & I don’t know why

I wanted to be Claire Standish so bad.  & Molly and I were 16.

My Grandma was 76. I had a curly auburn bob & listened

to Simple Minds over & over & thought my Mom was pretty

old. Molly’s 55 now.  Judd’s 63. Google tells me

Paul Gleason played the VP when he was 44.

He would be 84 now if he hadn’t died in 2006.

My Grandma had Dad in 1931. She was still a teen.

They are both gone now too.


In 1985, I watched Denise & Shelly drink Franzia

on the theater’s roof from Dixie cups & I should have

had some too– but I never took any risks & we saw a midnight

show of Back to the Future & I loved this movie so much

I listed it in my yearbook alongside my friends initials–

Recall it now more than them.

Can’t believe that I wanted to go forward

to Oct 2015 with Marty & Doc & Jennifer  [Shit– that’s now 7 years back]

that these movies came out in the same year,

that there is only 30 years between 1955           1985            2015,

that I will be 77 in 2045,

that I still do everything everyone tells me to do,

that John Hughes died at 59,  [that sounded old enough in 2009]

that he pitched a middle-aged sequel,

that I heard there’s a script somewhere,

that Allison is labeled basket case instead of rebel,

that The Wizard of Oz came out in 1925,

that I am almost done with this glass.