the amoebas are terrified
and all that energy
bound up
in all that reverence
I refuse to abandon
the words

there are more stars
in the Milky Way
there are grains
in ten thousand pounds of salt

let’s be honest with ourselves
what are you not
being shown
when you are shown
the entirety of the universe

all that domesticated salt
pristine & beloved

waiting for
all that interstitial salt

the evening is persistent





back up to the rim
if you can call it that

I punched & kicked my way out
all because a boy laughed at me

one morning:
a crow lands on the lawn and struts away slowly

we try to save what we know
as we head home

one morning:
a crow lands on the lawn and struts away slowly

the repetition doesn’t guarantee identity
but I collect the mentions:
yes, pay attention
yes, thank you
yes, I see you
do you see me?

one morning:
a crow lands on the lawn and struts away slowly

tied to a cow

the dogs poop in unison
in opposite directions
momentary alignment

and then a stone, which jumps
of its own volition
as if thrown
as if dropped
but there is no one
just the echo of its sound
as it thuds against the concrete sidewalk

it all unravels





the terrible heat
the terrible noise
is it over yet?

I am rising

seeding = a permutation point

I am already the healed state I am looking for





hearing the geese
flying overhead
what I admire most
is how much
they don’t give a fuck

to human better
hold onto that rope
and pull