Adam Gianforcaro

You, Reader

Consider these words close enough and you too can be part of the story. My muse. Person on the other side of the screen. You, reader: the shadow casted from the...

Late Space

I’m waiting for space to approach time the way sound races behind some Mach-numbered aircraft, fast and nervous like locker room glances. Space is just doing...
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Adam Gianforcaro

Adam Gianforcaro is a writer living in Wilmington, Delaware. His stories, poems, and essays can be found in Hobart, CHEAP POP, Maudlin House, Palette Poetry, RHINO, The Cincinnati Review miCRo series, and elsewhere. He was an Honorable Mention in The Maine Review’s 2021 Embody Awards and a winner of Button Poetry’s 2018 Short Form Contest.