Meg Johnson

Grinding My Teeth

Don't you hate it when your imaginary boyfriend is mean to you? I've really built up a lot of resentment toward him. I found out he slept with an escort. Yes, i...

Betty White

Betty White, can I cry on your shoulder? My breasts are like mood rings, they already understand. I want to wear a mood ring as an adult and not feel...
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Meg Johnson

Meg Johnson is the author of the books Inappropriate Sleepover (The National Poetry Review Press, 2014) and The Crimes of Clara Turlington (Vine Leaves Press, 2015). Her poetry has appeared in Hobart, Nashville Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, The Puritan, Sugar House Review, Verse Daily, and others. Her nonfiction has appeared in BUST, The Good Men Project, Ms. Magazine, and others. She received her MFA from the NEOMFA Program and has taught writing at various colleges. She is the editor of Dressing Room Poetry Journal and has served as an external reviewer for University of Akron Press. She will be the writer-in-residence at Fairhope Center for the Writing Arts in August 2019. Visit her at: