Rachel Nix

twitter: @rachelnix_poet

Rachel Nix is an editor for cahoodaloodaling, Hobo Camp Review, and Screen Door Review. She also edited the international anthology America Is Not the World and does a little freelancing when time allows. Rachel’s own work tends to hone in on her upbringing in the South and sometimes digs a little deeper into how she reacts to the rest of the world because of and despite her southern experience. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in isacoustic, L’Éphémère Review, Occulum, Pidgeonholes, and Rogue Agent, among others.

When not editing, attempting to write, or watching Batman with her nephew, Rachel’s an avid reader who regularly peruses online journals and goes on the hunt for local writers in her area or wherever her road trips take her. Truth be told, she’s not found a richer region for literature than in her home state. Crowding her bookshelf are collections by the likes of Alina Stefanescu, Ashley M. Jones, Emma Bolden, Jeanie Thompson, and Tina Mozelle Braziel – while her overgrown buy list inches longer and longer.

Rachel resides in Northwest Alabama, where pine trees outnumber people rather nicely. She can be followed at @rachelnix_poet on Twitter – where you’ll find some poetry, and quite a lot of her speaking poorly about “the president” or gracing the internet with gorgeous photographs of her cat and three dogs.

Selected Publications:

Links to the journals I’m on staff:


Direct link to purchase America Is Not the World:
