1. Nostalgia is a small, brassy machine that longs to be a rare fish. Chew it and it will taste of breastmilk. It is a robin and a chapel, but not lemongrass. It is a tractor planting chickpeas, but not a steel drum. It is dream-dirty. It is waterlogged. Its opposite is as keen and exfoliating as pink salt.
  2. Dysphoria is the inside-out of green. Scabs form on the imagination, obfuscating joy. It eats fresh images and grows another skin.
  3. Self-loathing is a litter of scorpions stinging the runt to death. This is the runt. This is the shrill writhing only a dog could hear. This is the dog wishing the sound would end. This is the dog’s eardrum. This is the wish. This is the sound, the sound, the sound.