Recently scrubbed low tops, fresh cat puke in lattice, pause the storm door’s hydraulic hymn,
     the latest in responsibly sourced stained glass,
as fresh-shaved asphalt and the rinds of bag dinners become flagstone; driver’s side hype.

Holy shit on a wet stoop, weak tape garbled under palm as pale pink roses lean over for a look,
      to think it’s all ambiguated tree trunks,
while a lost scrapbook sticker declares itself, caught between slabs of pavement; groovy.

Indoor light, this soft outcome of burned trash, makes a jersey change at the threshold,
     meets Decorated Five-Time Aluminum Can, retired as a glint on the sidewalk,
and a hunk of kelly green ceramic goes organic against chain link; former toilet, current planter.

The thinning milkshake smear is abandoned, again, in grandiose exit spirals and a stray giggle,
      Pigeon seeks Theseus’s return address! a sorting center,
as, artificially unintelligible, the only parallel lines in sight loose to the reentrant horn; air waiver.